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So I've struggled with depression and anxiety for along time but I still feel I am figuring it out as far as how it affects me and what can trigger it. Its hard to talk about it with other people in person because I get tired of having to explain when I know they'll never fully understand how I feel. I don't mean this in a condescending way it's just a fact No one can truly know what's going on in your head, right? But anyway the reason why I decided to join this community is lately I've noticed my depression has worsened a bit because I keep having these reoccurring feelings of guilt and shame and I have this strong urge to be punished. Has anyone else felt this way?

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Hey @Bluebutterfly26


Trying to figure out your triggers for depression and anxiety is a really useful thing to help self regulate your moods. Have you had any luck finding any? Do you have any coping strategies in place?


Yes everyone's experience of their own mental health will be different but that doesn't mean that no one will be able to relate to your experience. Sometimes you will find that by sharing your different experiences you can gain a deeper understanding and connection of your thoughts.


I really hear you with experiencing guilt and shame. When we are having a hard time we can become our own worst enemy and punish ourselves by telling ourselves off constantly for feeling this way or acting like that. But that voice is the indicator that you need to practice lots of self care and try to forgive yourself. You are only human, and we all make mistakes and have periods when we aren't our best. and thats okay.


You are not alone in this and I have felt like this many times too. We're here for you if you need us.



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