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Sexuality confussion and eating disorders


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Hi! I'm new:)

So I was thinking and I remembered that it was when I was about 13/14 when I started restricting. It also was when I think I had a crush (I'm still not sure if that was a crush because it's really hard for me to identify my feelings) on my female best friend. And that's when I started questioning my sexuality and my cycle of binging and restricting began. Both have kept growing (my questioning and my eating disorder) since then and it's really frustrating. Before that I didn't even know you could be anything but hetero and ate whatever I wanted. So could it be related? And how do I identify who I'm attracted to?

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@QuestioningSmile A huge welcome - I'm glad you found us!


It's completely natural to question your sexuality and for many people it can be really fluid. While you could be bisexual or pansexual, it's more important to remove pressure and allow your feelings to just naturally gravitate to who you feel attracted to.


Disordered eating as you may know is very complex but often closely linked to feelings but it's important too understand how it affects you as everyone and their experience is so different.


It's really important to access medical help if you haven't already as with time and treatment, recovery is completely possible.


Meanwhile, it's good to work on your self-esteem and confidence - what do you really like about yourself and what are you good at?



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