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Asexual but still want a relationship? Help!


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Recently separated, have a 2yr old daughter. Always knew i was bi, but i never had a huge sexual urge.. if any. I've recently learnt that this isn't an uncommon thing and that it's totally normal! (Go figure!!)


Im just starting to date again, but online is really my only resource as im a working single mum in a small country town. Problem is, everyone online seems to only want one thing, the thing I'm not actually looking for .... im not repulsed by it, i just dont crave it.


My question? I still want companionship and romance, a relationship ..... but how the hell do i find it!? Online dating? Ask random people I find interesting if they want a loving relationship but without sex? Im just getting visions in my head of wearing a badge everywhere to state who i am and what im looking for just to save the misunderstanding if i do by some miracle find someone who is interested in me.


My head is kind of racing as to how to go about this. I feel like im at risk of being alone forever because no one would want to be with someone without the sexual side? Im really breaking new ground for myself here and feeling completely lost.

please help?

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Hey @Angelgamer88



I know I answered this is your other posts. There are plenty of people out there than are aromantic and asexual. It's also important to speak to your partner about how you feel about sex for some people it isn't such an important part of a relationship. Have a read over these blogs written for us.





I hope some of this helps.



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