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I feel ugly never had a girlfriend.

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Hi Shyman, no one else can determine your worth or attractiveness. There is no such thing as we are all attracted to different qualities and it is different for so many people.


Our research shows that most women look for a kind personality and a good sense of humour and you shouldn't put your self worth on having a partner, for some people it takes a while to find the right person. Have you tried getting to know people or joining some clubs where you can meet like minded people with similar interests?



Edited by Remi

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One of the truest things I’ve come accross in my life:


’if the guy’s personality is 10/10 his looks automatically become 10/10 no matter how ‘ugly’ or ‘beautiful’ he is.


Of course the use of ‘ugly’ and ‘beautiful’ refers to society’s 21st century ‘standards’ which I find ridiculous as the correct saying goes ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ Indeed I can confirm this as I have experienced this situation just recently, and to be honest, so has about half the population. As a woman I can definitely confirm that looks do not matter. It may not be love or lust at first sight, but once she gets to know how amazing ur personality is past your looks, it happens. Some cases faster than others but eventually, you find somebody.

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  • 2 weeks later...
One of the truest things I’ve come accross in my life:


’if the guy’s personality is 10/10 his looks automatically become 10/10 no matter how ‘ugly’ or ‘beautiful’ he is.


Of course the use of ‘ugly’ and ‘beautiful’ refers to society’s 21st century ‘standards’ which I find ridiculous as the correct saying goes ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ Indeed I can confirm this as I have experienced this situation just recently, and to be honest, so has about half the population. As a woman I can definitely confirm that looks do not matter. It may not be love or lust at first sight, but once she gets to know how amazing ur personality is past your looks, it happens. Some cases faster than others but eventually, you find somebody.

I have confidence but no girl finds me attractive at all. Never has. Confidence is just false. If a guy is attractive he had confidence plus handsome good looks so life is not so tough for him,he doesn't have to try because girls will fall into his arms and any girl.

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What it means to be attractive is so different for everyone, looks only take you so far, what really makes the different is if you are a kind person and can make someone laugh.


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What will kindness ever do? Woman love jerks and just the most disrespectful guys. I seriously been thinking of ending my life soon. First I want to see my sister get married than I will end it. Leave all my money to my brother and sister. I don't belong to this life. I will be working until I die with no chance at any sort of change.

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@lionel1533 Hey Lionel, firstly I can assure you that not all women love jerks - equally we get so many messages from women echoing what you are saying. These feelings are really universal.


I've emailed you re the more concerning way you are feeling. Do you have a plan? Your safety and wellbeing is our absolute priority.


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@lionel1533 Hey Lionel, firstly I can assure you that not all women love jerks - equally we get so many messages from women echoing what you are saying. These feelings are really universal.


I've emailed you re the more concerning way you are feeling. Do you have a plan? Your safety and wellbeing is our absolute priority.

I don't know what woman really want. Clearly I have nothing on the inside or out. I can't attract anyone to me. I am tired of just being myself because it has been getting me no where. Yes I do want to end it. I think it will be much better for everyone.

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Hi Lionel,


We have sent you another email. Life can be so much more that attracting people to you. Try and focus on what makes you happy and things that you love to do. We need to love ourselves before we can love anyone else. That I know to be true.


Have you tried talking to a therapist about how you feel?



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