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I’m obsessed with my looks


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Hi I’m Riley and I’m 17, and I am super critical of the way I look. More recently, I have started constantly taking pictures of myself and critiquing everyone of them. I know I’m ugly and having to deal with that is really hard for me. I have never had people tell me that I was pretty or cute. I’ve never been asked out before so I have lost hope for a relationship. This is all very difficult for me and so just don’t know how to deal with it

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Hey @Rheesch


Sorry to hear that you are struggling with your body image right now, this is a tough thing that a lot of us struggle with from day to day, I know I do. Other people should not validate you.


It might be a good idea to not take so many pictures as the camera can never really capture the true us. Try putting some inspirational quotes up on the mirror and remember that you are beautiful.

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