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  1. Past hour
  2. Luie

    Trying to make new friends

    Heyy @Apples101, I am back online over the weekend. @Aurora explained it perfectly well around who can view this conversation, please do let me know if you want to move it over 1-1 on confidential support. Here for you!
  3. Luie

    What time is it, Mr. Wolf?

    7:29 a.m.
  4. ribboness
    hihi! thanks for responding!! tbh im not sure what to think because getting mixed signals from him is sooo confusing. its not that i dont trust him i just dont really know him like that yk? and yes he is on my mind way to much but also I think its bc both the fact that he is soooo my type and that he is giving mixed signals. Maybe him just liking my stories is not a sign that he's into me and he's just doing it in a casual and more friendly way but also I have no idea. bc when we were talking I think I made it obvious I likes him bit he never flirted back but he also didn't change the subject or ghost me which is what most ppl would do if they don't feel the same way. He was sort of igniting it now that I think about it. but he kept finding ways to keep taking to me so idkkk. ugh he's so confusing. if my friend was in my situation id tell her to get over it and move on bc he's not doing anything about it when oyther guys are. but I don't what other guyssss. so confusing I wish he would just block me lmao.
  5. Today
  6. Megs-
    im going to try sleep in about 10 minutes, so I have more time in my day! lol
  7. Megs-
    Hope you’re sleeping peacefully!
  8. Megs-
    goodnight! well, hope you’re sleeping peacefully!
  9. Megs-
    noo, i thought i did something wrong! so didn’t reply. :(. you haven’t upset me. i just thought i upset you. sorry for not responding until 2am, i been watching 24 hours in A&E . i hope you’re all sleeping peacefully, @jazzy.sky @Lilie @Angy Cat. <3 hope you beautiful souls are getting much needed rest. i’ll be joining you all soon! I’ve missed you! i’ve not been avoiding you im sorry if i seem like it. i just didn’t want to interrupt your conversation with lilie, and i thought i upset you too. but i’ve missed you and stilll love you xx
  10. Yesterday
  11. jazzy.sky

    Chit chat! ( follow rules )

    Goodnight everyone!
  12. jazzy.sky

    Chit chat! ( follow rules )

    Sweet dreams Angy Cat!!
  13. Lilie
    Goodnight @Angy Cat have a lovely night and I hope you sleep well, sending big hugs!
  14. Angy Cat

    Chit chat! ( follow rules )

    I'll be logging off in a bit, thank you @Megs-. Talking to you really made my day. I hope you're doing ok :( hugss Goodnight everyone. @Megs-@Lilie@jazzy.sky
  15. Lilie
    I’ll let you know how Kooth goes I knowww thank you so much It’s ok don’t be sorry! I’m so grateful that you’re here for me, I can’t imagine what I’d do without all of you!
  16. Angy Cat

    Chit chat! ( follow rules )

    I'll try my best :(
  17. jazzy.sky

    Chit chat! ( follow rules )

    Awwww omggg everyone is growing up so fast Ah that's completely understandable, I hope everything goes well on Kooth for you Im so sorry lovely Lilie, I wish there was something I could do to make your days better - the least I can do though is be here for you and support you through these times
  18. jazzy.sky

    Chit chat! ( follow rules )

    Yayy well done for keeping hydrated Aww it's a struggle but you need to fight that feeling because you might end up feeling worse and get acid reflux :( hugsssss
  19. jazzy.sky

    Chit chat! ( follow rules )

    Aww bless you Megs :( sending hugs and prayers your way Omg no ofc not, I could never be mad at you Megs youve done nothing wrong xx you are such ana amazing and close friend of mine I've been missing my Stitch buddy - I thought you mightve been avoiding me for a bit and I thought maybe I upset you? Please let me know if I did :'(
  20. Megs-
    I know! And, their owner probably irritating their lil head too
  21. Lilie
    Aww thank you, means so much to me!! Ahh yess, I always see the little 6 year old Sky and 4 year old Jayden but now seeing pictures and birthdays popping up and I’m like nooo they’re all growing up . I said to my dad, if Sky of Jayden has children in their 20’s, I’d become a great auntie in my 20’s and Olivia would be a great auntie as a teen oh my gosh Thank you that means a lot to me it feels like I’m just barely getting by though I can’t do calls, I don’t think I’d be able to physically I think it’s all too risky too with Michelle and could ned up losing my dad and family. I’m too scared but I really want to..I may go onto Kooth. I’d had to go before 9 if I do though. as muck as I’d like to have things to get better, unfortunately it’s getting worse every day and I’m getting more terrified. big huggsss
  22. Angy Cat

    Chit chat! ( follow rules )

    Sitting so politely for their picture to be taken
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