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About This Club

Hello! This is a tribe where we talk about the zodiac signs. You can join if you want.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Luie
    Heyy @anhd389, I am Luie, one of the support mentors with Ditch the Label. I see that you're new to our platform and I wanted to say a massive welcome! Super awesome having you join our community. You can start conversations like this or even join other topics on the forums option. We also offer one to one support if you'd prefer that, if you click on 'Confidential Support' in the top bar next to blogs, you can send a request and one of the support mentors will get back to you
  3. Duckie
    Hi @anhd389, Welcome to Ditch the Label. My name is Duckie and I'm one of the support mentors. Nice to cybermeet you!
  4. Unsure-But-Sure-All-At-Once
    Calling all Geminis in this tribe!!! Who’s a Gemini? I’m a June Gemini :)
  5. _Kai_
    Agreedddd, it also seems like August Leos are more stubborn then July Leos ngl
  6. 3asy
    So what I've found is that July Leos are a bit more outgoing than August Leos! Or I guess July Leos are a bit more stereotypical... Same findings or no?
  7. Bebop and Bebe
    heyyy guys whats everyone up tooo
  8. Olivia05
    HEYYYY!! Are you guys a January Aquarius or February?
  9. _Kai_
    Nah I 100% agree with that, people say we're the same but we're very different in how we think & act Tho I'd love to here ur opinion on how we're different :]
  10. 3asy
    Ok so is it just me or are July Leos different than August Leos :D- haha I'm a July Leo ︎
  11. _Kai_
    Sure I can try, whats it that u need help with?
  12. Cinnamoroll_iwritebooks
    Also I love drawing
  13. Cinnamoroll_iwritebooks
    I agree. Can u help me wth something?
  14. _Kai_
    Music & drawing are my personal favorites, writing I sometimes do but somehow horror stories are the easiest to write??? .,.
  15. Cinnamoroll_iwritebooks
    O. M. G!!!!! We have so much in common! I love read writing and music. You?
  16. Cinnamoroll_iwritebooks
    I'm bi. what are you?
  17. Cinnamoroll_iwritebooks
    My bftf is my cousin on my dads side. She is awesome. I have a mom a dad and a little brother. I also just ate a peanut butter sandwich
  18. _Kai_
    I have ALOT of cousins, though I don't see most of em that often. I've got 6 siblings & my mom's best friend & her kids r counted as in the family as well, wby?
  19. Cinnamoroll_iwritebooks
    What is ur family like? do u have siblings, couzins, special friends in the family?
  20. _Kai_
    Finally someone who thinks like me
  21. Cinnamoroll_iwritebooks
    We so cool ^^^
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