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Beginners, advanced and seasoned skateboarders welcome! Trick tips, achievements and any skate related banter :)
  1. What's new in this club
  2. jazzy.sky
    Ayeee those iconic legendary TH games ️️ always wanted to play one of the games Awww thank you Lennie haha yeah, nothing like falling face first into the ground Yayy well done you! I'm sure the match will go amazingly and no matter the outcome you will do yourself proud
  3. Lennie
    Ahh yes, that's a good description, I know exactly what you mean. Some of these trick names are coming back to me from years ago when I used to play the Tony Hawk videogame Well I am rooting for you to nail the manual and shuvit next then... minus falling face first into the dirt, of course I have a friendly game against my new Peruvian friend who I have started playing with regularly. He's good, so I'm not getting my hopes up for a win but I always enjoy playing either way.
  4. jazzy.sky
    Thank you so much Lennie!! It really was the most perfect day for skating - as for the kick turns, it's basically when you roll up to a ramp and turn around 180 degrees on just the back wheels to face the other way (kind of like you do a spin to roll back down the other way instead of rolling fakie - which is basically backwards!) Next 2 tricks i would love to learn would be a shuvit and a manual - i managed to do them both only once but ate dirt soon after as my board shot out from underneath How has the tennis been for you Lennie? I'm rooting for you!
  5. Lennie
    So pleased to hear that you are really finding your flow with skating atm. It sounds like you had the perfect day for it and made the most of things by nailing a new trick (had to look up a 180 frontside kick... impressive). Congratulations It sounds like you are getting better and better. What's the next trick you want to learn?
  6. jazzy.sky
    Skate update!! Today was so epic! Went to the skate park and there was nobody there (yesterday there was another rad skater probably in his mid 20s but he was antisocial so sadly didn't make skate friends) Super sunny and chill vibes, did some up downs to get used to pushing my tail on the ground, getting consistent pop on my ollies now and am getting really good at generating speed by pumping on the ramps I learnt some new tricks today, I can officially do a full 180 frontside kick turns on a ramp now (which I wasn't able to do yesterday) and I can lift my front wheels while rolling on the ramps and slam them back down onto the ramp I had a world of fun today and really got into the skate flow #keepshredding!
  7. jazzy.sky
    Awww thank you so much Lennie you made my week! Omg thats amazing! Well done Lennie - how have you found it? I bet you are having loads of fun, and congratulations on the wins! Hahaha yeah!! Wimbledon won't know what hit them when you join next year
  8. Lennie
    Hi @jazzy.sky - wow, look at you go: kick turns on ramps, popping ollies! It sounds like you're skateboarding skills are coming along nicely - well done! Watch out on those ramps though, it can get pretty nasty if you fall off. I'm doing well, thanks. I've now entered into a competitive tennis league, so that's been fun. I lost my first two matches but have won the last two in straight sets, so I'm feeling good about that... Wimbledon 2025, here I come
  9. jazzy.sky
    Hey Lennie! I'm back from the wedding and I have some skate updates! Today I went to the skatepark after what felt like forever and had an hour to skate which was chill! Working on getting those kick turns on the ramp - I'm almost there! My ollies have improved, I can now pop the board instead of having that ghost pop i had issues with before and I can ride off of curbs without falling! How have you been Lennie? Thank you for checking up on me
  10. Lennie
    Hi @jazzy.sky - how are things by the seaside? I hope you are having a great time and have found some good skating spots
  11. jazzy.sky
    Gosh yesss, I have never had the privilege of being on business class, sounds so luxurious! Thank you so muchhhh It was so nice to see everyone again Thank you again Lennie!! Hopefully the sea waves will be peaceful and the beach wont be too chaotic! Oooooh, he is amazing!! I'll be rooting for him too! Awwww thank you for thinking of me when finding skate vids! It means a lot Lennie
  12. Lennie
    Hi @jazzy.sky - yes, unless you're lucky enough to be upgraded to business class - which I have been before - flights themselves are rarely more than okay-ish, unfortunately. I'm glad to hear that you had a good time at your cousin's wedding and were able to help out your grandparents, I'm sure they must have been glad to see you and have you helping out. How nice that you'll be able to spend time by the seaside. I hope that the weather will be good so you can make the most of it My favourite player, Claros Alcaraz, has won all his games so far and has been playing some incredible tennis, so there's been highlights galore from watching his matches. I actually saw a really good skater the other day and saved the video somewhere so I could share it with you but now can't find it. As soon as I do, I'll post it here though as hopefully it'll inspire you
  13. jazzy.sky
    Sorry fir the late reply Lennie! Had a flight yesterday to get back home which was okish haha Thank you so much for everything!! Means the world Omg not the jumpseat for 9 hours I was warned about those incase the flight was full and they do not look comfy at all, bless your heart I had to go to my cousins wedding which was really nice and I helped out granparents When I go back soon for the summer, i will hopefully be down by the sea all day everyday, love the waves 🏝 Oooh yesss, any Wimbledon highlights? Im pretty sure skateboarding is now in the Olympics which is pretty exciting (but tennis is more fast paced for sure!)
  14. Lennie
    Good morning @jazzy.sky - so glad to hear that you had a safe flight and a seat free next to you. What a result! I can relate to your pre-flight stress about having a standby ticket because it's easy to get bumped from the flight if it's busy when you're on standby. Once, I had to sit in what's called a 'jump seat' where the cabin crew sit for take-off and landing because the flight was so busy and I had a standby ticket, so it was my only option to board that flight. These seats are fixed bolt upright and the flight was 9 hours... with no tv . It sounds like the flight wasn't all smooth sailing for you either what with the toilet-queue situation, but I'm glad you got to your destination safe and sound. Do you have any fun plans while you're away? And yes, Wimbledon has been great this year and I'm looking forward to the match-ups this week. This summer is packed full of major sporting events. I've just remembered that the Paris Olympics are just over two weeks away. I'm not sure if skateboarding is now part of the Olympics or not? I know BMX is, but is skateboarding now an event?
  15. jazzy.sky
    Hey wonderful Lennie!! Sorry i havent been online in a while, some major updates, I managed to fly safely! Because we had standby tickets and the flight was so full i was worried thinking I wouldnt get to fly Your wishes came true, I am so lucky thanks to you Lennie, absolute legend!! I was given the first row seat and nobody was next to me which was such a blessing, had the arm rests all to myself :D I made friends with the cabin crew who were so lovely and the flight was really peaceful Only downside was my seat was right next to the toilet so everyone would step on my feet (even though they were under my seat!) And everytime id drift off to sleep, id wake up cos some random person would sit next to me as the waited in the queue for the toilet lmao Thank you for the amazing tips and I am so happy that you have had good experiences flying Hahaha yesss, that board will not do tricks by itself xD Ayeeeee, thats amazing! So glad you are enjoying the matches, I had a small hunch you wouldve been watching as you are the biggest tennis fan! i managed to tune in for 5 minutes of a match and omg it was so intense, how do these pros do it?
  16. Lennie
    Hiii - ah yes, I have flown solo quite a few times, so I can relate to having that concern about who you might get sat next to. If it's any reassurance, it's always been fine and I've never had any unpleasant encounters. I do understand though, if you are a nervous flyer you at least want as many of the parts of the flight to be familiar and consistent. I'm sure you'll be fine though, just give yourself plenty of time getting to the airport so you don't have to deal with rushing. Glad to hear that you managed to get in a skate sesh on Saturday... that board isn't going to olly itself And yes, I've been watching plenty of the Wimbledon coverage, how did you guess . I've been cheering on the young Brits who are still in the comp and doing well. Best of luck with the flight tomorrow. I hope it goes smoothly and you get the row to yourself!
  17. jazzy.sky
    Hey lovely Lennie!! Im doing ok thank youuu, bit anxious as i have an early flight to catch tomorrow at a different airport on a different conpany ive never flown with and mt seat usnt guaranteed either as I am on standby so i might be sat next to complete strangers which terrifies me hahaha I have got a skate ipdate6! Forgot to post on here but on Saturday (29th of June) i went for a chill skate sesh around the neighbourhood as my skate park was busy How have you been? ️ have you been watching the Wimbledon matches?
  18. Lennie
    Hi @jazzy.sky - how are you? Any skate sessions recently?
  19. jazzy.sky
    Oooh yay!! Awww thank you so much Lennie, that means a lot How gorgeousss, love watching the sunset on the beach! Highlight of my day was definetly going and having a day out with my friends to celebrate my belated birthday It was amazing and we all had an epic time together
  20. Lennie
    Yes, I'll definitely give a tennis update on Monday when I'm back! Sorry to hear that you've been a little poorly, I hope you feel better very soon! Nice that you got to spend time with your mates, and yes, there's plenty of time for skating soon enough. As for the highlight of the day, that'll probably come very soon when I head down to the beach and catch the last of the sun What's been your highlight of the day?
  21. jazzy.sky
    Hey Lennie!! Awww no don't worry at all! I am so glad to hear that you are having a lovely day so far - the weather here is glorious! Ooooh how exciting! You must absolutely update me on how that goes!! Skating hasn't really gone anywhere if I'm honest as I have been slightly poorly and I've had a lot of get together and appointments with friends but I am so happy that I got to hang out with my mates and hopefully skating will come soon Thank you sm for your kind wishes Any major highlights of today?
  22. Lennie
    Hi @jazzy.sky - I'm so sorry, this message completely flew under my radar! I just came to check on clubs and noticed that you replied. To answer you question - my day is going well and I'm enjoying the lovely weather we are having in the south of England. I'm going to watch my first live tennis tournament on Friday, so I'm hoping the weather stays like this for at least a couple more days. How's the skating been going? Have you got much practice in since Friday? If so, I'm hoping that it was scooter-free at the skate park... and scooter-parent-free
  23. jazzy.sky
    Hey lovely Lennie!! Awww thank you so much, that's so kind of you Thank youuuu, how has your day been so far? Haha that's true, scooter kids are our nemesis (especially the parents of said scooter kids) Ooooh yess I hope so too, because you deserve all the good weather possible so you can play tennis and have fun!
  24. Lennie
    Hi @jazzy.sky - firstly a huge congratulations is in order for finishing your final exam, and finishing secondary school... So, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so glad that you got to have a well-deserved skate session in the sun. Nice that you were able to get the park to yourself, too. I know that when it comes to the skatepark, scooters are the nemesis of skateboarders. I hope we continue to get have good weather so that you can have lots more summer days like this
  25. jazzy.sky
    Another skate update! Today is go skateboarding day!!!!!! So ofc I had to do just that! Finally back on the board since starting exams I've officially finished secondary school as yesterday was my final exam and I celebrated today by going to my skate park Since its a Friday, no scooter kids and it was super peaceful having g the park to myself Super sunny and which after skating for almost an hour straight meant I got quite hot haha Got to go on the ramps and tried to practice the pop of my ollie which is actually progressing a bit! Got to do some plane spotting too as the RAF is close by and that was epic
  26. jazzy.sky
    That was epicccc Thank you for sharing Lennie!! The slams were super gnarly but you are right, that payoff was so dopeee The level of skill and the confidence to send it each time is incredible what a skater
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