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  2. Megs-
    poorly lily pic taken just now ignore the text, I posted it on Snapchat lol
  3. Megs-
    I don’t actually know the breeds of my boyfriend’s cats but I love cats in general especially rag dolls ( harpers cats are adorable !) want to squeeze their lil faces haha! They also look so floofy!
  4. Duckie
    Hi @Aat0n, Welcome to Ditch the Label! My name is Duckie and I'm one of the support mentors. Although I am sadly really allergic to cats I love bengals and ragdolls! Ragdolls are absolutely gorgeous and bengals just look like baby cheetahs! My neighbour has a bengal and I just stare at it for ages because up until very recently I'd never seen one before. Now I've seen it many times, but I'm still just as amazed.
  5. Harper
    In pretty much agreement with you, but of course Ragdolls are my #1! Have you seen a Bengal before?
  6. ATXX
    What's everyone's favorite type of cat? (breed/color) Some of my favorites are bombays, Norwegian forests, orange cats, main coons and tabbys! :)
  7. Megs-
    you can’t see my face or anything but look how cute he is
  8. Emberfrost12
    My cat wanted to go outside, so I picked him up and started walking to school. He wasn't too happy about it :D
  9. Harper
    I've been trying to take unflattering photos of the both lately I have 2 rag dolls! That one is Luna
  10. jazzy.sky
    Awwwww omg so precious Is your cat a Ragdoll or something else Harper?
  11. Megs-
    Should I make a cat thread for Tyrone and Lily?
  12. jazzy.sky
    Awwww they are such precious fur babies
  13. jazzy.sky
    Omg I just noticed we have a rainbow emoji to use for reactions, it's so cute!! The random turkey and wave are gone tho
  14. jazzy.sky
    Awww thank you! Also love to hear that! And yes I do have a cat (although he's not mine, he's a stray but I have adopted him with my heart) And my extended family all love cats and have them so I grew up with the little fuzzy babies
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