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Making adult friends?


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Any good tips on how to make friends as a Adult the organic way & not through meet ups or clubs? Also what are good conversation starters starters that don't have heavy topics? And what are some good open ended questions? Also is it some what understandable to be a bit picky on who you hang out with? Like not wanting to socialize with people who are morbidly big or sever mental disabilities? I know that last sentence sounded sallow but please hear me out. Also I'd just don't want normal people like you'd see out and about to be nervous of me or stare away from me if I where to be friends with said people. Also its somewhat hard to be friends with people like that. And I'm wanting to have friends that I can Chill with or go out on the town with.

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

The thing with making friends is that it tends to happen naturally. If you're looking for a way to connect more naturally with people, starting a casual conversation is likely to lead to more conversations in the future, which may lead to you becoming friends.


Some great conversation starters may include:

'How was your weekend? What did you get up to?'

'Are you watching any good shows on Netflix at the moment?'

'Have you got any holidays planned this year?'


When first starting to get to know someone, it may be a good idea to remain positive and ask about the other person as much as possible so that they know you are interested. People are more likely to want to be your friend if you show an interest in them, e.g. ask questions about them :)


In response to being picky about being friends with people, I totally get it. For example, my circle of friends have similar views and interests to me. I think that it's important to not be picky about friends in terms of their characteristics such as weight, and if they have any mental health conditions. Just because they are bigger or are going through mental health difficulties doesn't mean they aren't going to be a great friend. Also, it might be that other people might have turned down the chance to be friends with them because of their weight or mental health, and they might actually be lonely because of this.


It's important to give everyone a chance as everyone has positive attributes :)


I hope this helps!


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Thank you & yes it does help. And sorry about the being picky part. Just nervous of being friends with someone like this

or this from the TLC show like this
.I'm not trying to be mean I'm on the high functioning side of the spectrum where I'm normal. I'm Just nervous of sticking up for someone. Also don't want to feel forced to be someones emotional & physical bodyguard. Hope this makes since. :)
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  • Ditch the Label Staff

Hey, don't apologise - I know you're not being mean! You're just being honest and sharing concerns and worries which is completely fine. If we are going to do something new it's entirely normal to think about all the pros and cons and what might go right and wrong.


I can also understand why that would make you feel nervous but I'm sure you'd be fine and the chances of a really extreme situation happening are quite remote.


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