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Alexithymia and Music


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Alexithymia loosely translates to the greek "no words for emotions" and is often known as emotional blindness.

Alexithymia can make understanding emotions and mental health difficult, I know when I am feeling good and when I am feeling bad but I often can't identify the details of the exact emotions which makes working out why I am feeling how I'm feeling. 

Alexithymia can make talking about emotions difficult it is hard to work out how I'm feeling and put those feelings into words, emotions can be overwhelming and confusing, swirling into a mess of mixed up feelings.

I find music very helpful.  Different types of music makes us feel different ways, for me listening to a piece of music can completely change how I am feeling. I can relate to the notes, chords and vocals. For me music and emotion are greatly intertwined. I love listening to music that carries a story, that has a meaningful message, songs where the melody fills you with purpose and emotion.

My love of music is inherited from my parents both of whom love music.

I think that finding music you love whether it be rap, pop, heavy metal or indie/ alternative, Is important for mental and emotional wellbeing as well as understanding emotions and just personal enjoyment.


Music is a beautiful form of self expression and while I am no good at writing songs I love singing and I enjoy messing around with chords on my keyboard.

Music has been around since the beginning, it is intertwined with every part of the world. It is a fundamental part of life. While you can live life without complete and utter understanding of everything you feel (and I don't think anyone has this) but I don't believe you could live without music.

When I listen to a song if it has a story and a melodic flow and something else I can't explain the music fills my entire being. I would describe it as not just enjoying music but living, breathing and embracing music. 

Music is Life and Life is Music.


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32 minutes ago, AutisticGirl said:

Alexithymia loosely translates to the greek "no words for emotions" and is often known as emotional blindness.

Alexithymia can make understanding emotions and mental health difficult, I know when I am feeling good and when I am feeling bad but I often can't identify the details of the exact emotions which makes working out why I am feeling how I'm feeling. 

Alexithymia can make talking about emotions difficult it is hard to work out how I'm feeling and put those feelings into words, emotions can be overwhelming and confusing, swirling into a mess of mixed up feelings.

I find music very helpful.  Different types of music makes us feel different ways, for me listening to a piece of music can completely change how I am feeling. I can relate to the notes, chords and vocals. For me music and emotion are greatly intertwined. I love listening to music that carries a story, that has a meaningful message, songs where the melody fills you with purpose and emotion.

My love of music is inherited from my parents both of whom love music.

I think that finding music you love whether it be rap, pop, heavy metal or indie/ alternative, Is important for mental and emotional wellbeing as well as understanding emotions and just personal enjoyment.

Music is a beautiful form of self expression and while I am no good at writing songs I love singing and I enjoy messing around with chords on my keyboard.

Music has been around since the beginning, it is intertwined with every part of the world. It is a fundamental part of life. While you can live life without complete and utter understanding of everything you feel (and I don't think anyone has this) but I don't believe you could live without music.

When I listen to a song if it has a story and a melodic flow and something else I can't explain the music fills my entire being. I would describe it as not just enjoying music but living, breathing and embracing music. 

Music is Life and Life is Music.

Hi @AutisticGirl, wow, your thoughts on alexithymia and music are incredibly insightful and beautifully expressed. It’s clear that music plays a significant role in your life and helps you navigate your emotions in a unique and powerful way.

It's fascinating how you describe the way music affects you, almost as if it’s a language that speaks directly to your soul, bypassing the need for words. Given how deeply you connect with music, I'm curious, how do you choose what type of music to listen to when you're feeling a certain way, or do you let the music choose you? and also, have you explored creating your own music or lyrics as a way to express what you can't put into words?


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