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Am I transgender?

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A big welcome to the community!

I think the first step is exactly what you are doing on the community which is talking about your feelings around your gender and exploring some options. Do you have access to a counsellor where you can have a safe space to explore this?

Try to just go one step a time, and don't worry about talking to your parents until you have done some exploration work yourself, how does that sound?

Check out https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ they have a helpline to call if you need any support.




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A big welcome to the community!


I think the first step is exactly what you are doing on the community which is talking about your feelings around your gender and exploring some options. Do you have access to a counsellor where you can have a safe space to explore this?


Try to just go one step a time, and don't worry about talking to your parents until you have done some exploration work yourself, how does that sound?



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Hey Remi, I don’t have a consultant to talk privately about my current issues. Honestly this site feels really safe for me. I don’t feel comfortable over the phone for private reasons. If you want to be be my consultant that’s fine be me.





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I can't be your consultant because I'm not a Dr unfortunately. But we can chat when you need to.



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Hey remi, it’s fine I feel that I don’t really need a doctor more of a mentor like you so we or other mentors can chat about my issues. Is that cool?



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Remi, look back to my 1st post if u can, are any of those sentences considered being transgender, pls ask me any question to help clarify my gender.




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Okay, well judging by the fact that you made the effort to experiment with female clothing, imagined yourself with a female voice, face, body etc., I'd say you're transgender. It is, however, a tricky thing to determine. Considering that you said you're happy being male, have you considered that you could be non binary? Sometimes you feel more comfortable being female, other days you're totally happy being male. I'm no expert. My friend is transgender, female -> male, and it was quite clear he wanted to be male. Up until about 16 he seen as female, now if you look at him, he's clearly male. He didn't just want to be male, he like NEEDED to be male, like it felt wrong being in the female body. So i guess twhat i'm saying is, it depends how strongly you feel about being female/male/non binary. You also said you felt really good trying on bras and stuff, maybe you should do some research on it, and try and find a trans group on social media? ask people, see what they say. But really it's a decision made by you; it really depends how strongly you feel about it. Hope this helps :0

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I know you want answers so badly but truthfully I could never tell you whether you are transgender or not. If you are still asking questions you are still figuring it out and a healthy exploration is really important here. I agree with Marv, you could explore non-binary, find a local trans or online support group where you can talk it through your feelings.


Don't give yourself a time limit or rush yourself into working out who you are. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to be a boy or a girl and you can perform your gender in any way that makes you feel more comfortable.


Don't be too hard on yourself.



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Hey Remi and Marv,

youre right I do want answers badly, but I have done some research, i’m definitely not non-binary. It’s odd for me to say but personally it’s only 2 genders and not in the middle. I’m still contemplating whether i’m trans or not. Could you do a favor and maybe find a mentor or 2 on this site that has been in the same scenario that I am in right now?




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We don't have any mentors that have transitioned. But I would recommend joining a group for trans youths if you would like to talk to someone with a similar perspective to you. You could try the charity Mermaids or The Trevor Project. https://www.mermaidsuk.org.uk/



Just know that exploration of your gender is normal and you are asking all of the right questions now, but only you will have the answer you are looking for.



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Hey everyone,

thank u so much for helping me over the months, I really appreciate it. I have very important news. I believe that I am a women in a male’s body. Since last year I have felt a tug through out my body whenever I saw a beautiful women. But, I shrugged it off thinking it was nothing. But once I confronted it I experimented with myself to show my femininity. I felt so safe experiencing being a women, I loved the make up, the clothes and the BOOBS. I even mad myself a name Brooke. It took a while for me to accept the truth. I’m a lesbian trapped in man’s body and in the future I can’t wait to make the change but, not now for I am to young. Thanks everyone

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We are so happy that this community has allowed you to explore you gender in a safe space. Whatever you decide we all support you. And Brooke is a lovely name!



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I think your next steps are to speak to a local health care professional if you feel ready or a counsellor, Have you told any of your friends or maybe a teacher how you feel Brooke?



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Hey remi,

Brooke here, i feel the best option for me as a woman would be to wait out the storm and make the change after high school. I have been giving subtle hints to my parents to let them know to see if they will confront me on their own. I don’t want to be the one to feel them. Your thoughts?


Much Love,


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Hello Brooke,


A lot of people chose to never surgically transition and you can just explore for now and take your time on this journey that you are on. There is no rush to 'do' anything. So start making small changes in your life to make yourself feel more comfortable and take it from there.


You can keep us updated with the progress too.



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