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Can't Sleep

Non-Binary Person Here    
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It's late at night and I have school in the morning and I can't sleep. What should I do? I've tried tea, music, laying in the dark, and meditating but none of them worked. Any Opinions or Ideas to help me??

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1 hour ago, Non-Binary Person Here said:

It's late at night and I have school in the morning and I can't sleep. What should I do? I've tried tea, music, laying in the dark, and meditating but none of them worked. Any Opinions or Ideas to help me??

Hey there,

Have you seen our support guide here? There are loads of different tips. Why don't you try some of them? https://www.ditchthelabel.org/50-things-cant-sleep/

Also, when I can't sleep, I get annoyed at myself and start counting down the clock thinking 'If I don't go to sleep by midnight, I will only get 6 hours sleep and that's not enough'. This kind of thought always makes it worse, and I find it really helpful to take that pressure off and tell myself things like 'If I go to sleep, great, if I don't, I will find a way to deal with it and it will be fine' and 'I am here to rest. If I don't sleep, I can't do much about it, so I'm just going to relax and close my eyes'

What do you think about that?


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On 9/15/2022 at 6:58 AM, Non-Binary Person Here said:

It's late at night and I have school in the morning and I can't sleep. What should I do? I've tried tea, music, laying in the dark, and meditating but none of them worked. Any Opinions or Ideas to help me??

Hey there,

I can see Monsoon has given great advice which is great but when I struggle to sleep, I try different things that do help! I do breathing exercises, I also get comfy in bed then just start to think of something that makes me happy. Also, I also find that on YouTube you can search up things to help me sleep and it shows different videos that help, I tend to put it on a low volume but enough so I can hear it, I think the rain sounds on the window videos help me best! Also, having a night routine where you know what you're doing! I know it's hard but we can work with you if you'd like? Sending much love x


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