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Bad ex is now Bullying me


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Um.. Hi everyone!

So, basically, my ex and i met when i was in 6th grade and he was in 7th. he and i hit it off right away, and he was sweet. but, when we started dating during my 8th grade year he changed... soon he was always mad at me and was always gripping my hand too tight when i tried to leave to do stuff i needed to do...  i never thought about it until he turned really violent, he was always grabbing my thighs so hard they bruised and he would always bruise my wrist. so, soon i ended things, and me being stupid, kept him as a friend... and him and i remained friends until about a month ago... and here's the thing,  i trusted him with pretty big secrets... and when i ended our friendship because he was being too touchy, he told all of the guys on the bus all of my secrets and they are now all making fun of me all the time and it hurts so bad... i can barely even step onto the bus for 5 seconds before they start making fun of me...  and i really feel like i should tell someone... but... no one ever listens.... i just don't know what to do...

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Hey there. This sounds really stressful, and I'm sorry that he is still treating you badly. From what you've said, he sounds physically abusive, and I think you need to report this to the police as he could also be doing this to others. What do you think?


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