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Am I a guy?


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I've been questioning my gender for quite a while now and I think I might be trans (ftm). But sometimes I feel like I could just push these tough away and carry on being a girl.

A few days ago I watched the movie "self/less" and thought that I'd have asked for a male donor body if given the choice. As a kid I thought that I'd grow up to be like my Dad, wearing a suit and joining the army at 18 (in Switzerland every Man has to go there, or do public service).

Can someone give me some advice on finding an answer?

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

Hey JJ,

Welcome to the DTL Community and thank you for sharing part of your story with us. Can I ask how long you have felt like this for and what is it about the male gender you identify with? Is there anything from a female perspective that you identify with?


Here is also some great stories written by people who have transitioned that may give you some additional perspective in the interim:










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Thanks for the fast response. The articles helped me a lot.


I've felt like this my whole life but only a few month ago (maybe 3 or 4) did I realise that something wasn't right.

I stumbled across an Instagram post from a trans man and thought that his transition was really interesting. (Before that I'd only heard about mtf.)

I always preferred men's clothes and liked when I could play a men's role in school theatre. When someone perceives me as male it doesn't feel wrong. But sometimes it still is uncomfortable.

Also I never felt strong dysphoria. I don't hate my body it just feels confusing sometimes.

What I like about being female most it how we interact with eachother. I like that it's ok to make someone a compliment without it getting weird.

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

That makes sense JJ and thanks for being so honest. Do you think you could have gender dysmorphia or do you think that you generally don't conform to gender stereotypes? Would you prefer to live your life as male?


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Hi JJ, I think it's important to explore everything about yourself and find how you are the most comfortable. This can change for some people so you may identify as 'gender-fluid', ''non-binary' or 'gender non-conforming'. (Basically it means you can feel male, female, neither or both). Whilst that sounds confusing (sorry!) it is really not unusual for people not to identify as solely one gender.

We can have stereotypically 'male' and 'female' aspects to us and some can be more prevalent than others but this is changeable in many people. Ultimately you don't need to make any final decisions and there isn't a time limit, so try and remove any potential pressure to how you're feeling and allow yourself to process in your own time.


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Hey Harper

I've tough about your questions and I think for me dysphoria kicks in as soon as someone tells me that I'm not a boy.

It makes me fell really sad and awkward.

And when I'm in public and dressed like a boy it makes me feel much more comfortable. I think that if I'd been born male my life would be much easier and genuine.

Also I wanted to thank you for asking me all of these questions. They helped me more than anything else. They made me realise who I am or could be better than every other advice anybody could give me.

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Hey JJ,


I am so pleased Harpers questions helped. I am a big believer that we all have the answers already and the best is when get asked the right questions that unlock more answers. Most of the time advise with no questions can be more confusing than it is helpful.


Stay curious about it all and you can't go wrong. We are always here if you need a sounding board to talk or some support.


Sending support and positivity. ?


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  • 1 year later...

I understand all of this.

Boy clothes are so much better than girl clothes. I wish I was born a boy. If a jennie (Is that how u spell that guy who comes out of a jug in that disney movie?) appeared and gave me 3 wishes, I would've naturally said, "make me a boy, please".

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