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Abusive relationship


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Hi I'm  Blue22031 and I've been in an abusive relationship,

I don't really want to go through any detail about what happened to me, but I want to say I am a teenager and don't expect to go through a relationship like that.  I thought the boy was nice, sweet, charming and he was but he also had another side to him that I only saw when he got drunk or got angry.  He hurt me mentally and also physically but I truly loved him and i still do.  He said some very sexual things to me and when I didn't react in the way he wanted, he would grab me and slapped me.  He broke up with me recently and my friends said that I'm lucky but I don't feel like it.  My friends said that he was brainwashing me into believing that i loved him but I never really thought like that.  I wanted and still want to believe that he actually loved me but he didn't know how to show it.  I can't get over him and I need some help.

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Hello @Blue22031,

Thank you for sharing your experiences with me - I imagine it wasn't easy to open up about what happened, but I'm glad that you've come to us for support. We are here for you. You are not alone.

It sounds like you went through a really tough time with him, and I just want to check in with you and see how you're doing? The way he treated you is awful and I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you. It is likely to take you a while to get over him, but it will help you by talking about your experiences and we will be able to support you emotionally.

Can I ask, do you think you would consider reporting him to the police? His abusive behaviour needs to be stopped and allowing the authorities to deal with him could help to protect others as well.

I hope you're doing as well as you can be. We are always here for you. I hope to hear from you soon.

Stay safe and look after yourself. 


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5 hours ago, Monsoon said:

Hello @Blue22031,

Thank you for sharing your experiences with me - I imagine it wasn't easy to open up about what happened, but I'm glad that you've come to us for support. We are here for you. You are not alone.

It sounds like you went through a really tough time with him, and I just want to check in with you and see how you're doing? The way he treated you is awful and I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you. It is likely to take you a while to get over him, but it will help you by talking about your experiences and we will be able to support you emotionally.

Can I ask, do you think you would consider reporting him to the police? His abusive behaviour needs to be stopped and allowing the authorities to deal with him could help to protect others as well.

I hope you're doing as well as you can be. We are always here for you. I hope to hear from you soon.

Stay safe and look after yourself. 

I'm doing okay I guess but I still see him from time to time as he goes to the same school as me.  I've told a teacher about it and she's dealing with it or I hope she is.  I don't want to report him to the police as he already has a bad reputation with them as a girl reported him for the same thing a few years ago, but there was no evidence to get him into trouble for it.  My friends know about it but they just think I'm lying when I'm not.  

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I’m really glad to hear that your teacher knows about it. To be honest, they should ring the police really as what he did is serious and the police need to deal with it. I’m sorry to hear that all of this happened to you. Do you have anyone around you who is supportive and helpful? Also, how are you feeling today? You’ve got a lot going on atm, and I just wanted to check in. If you like, I can give you some tips on how to help your mental health and wellbeing if you like? :) 


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