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In need of serious help


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Hi my name is Arden, I'll try put my above situation in simple terms as possible, and why I want to run from home


I've been molested when I was a child, and as years went pass it didn't effect me I thinking I would cope but years after as I reached my late 20's It affected me till this day, my sister use to have sex with me, I use to be bullied a lot in school and I use to cut my arms when I couldn't deal with the pain then people gossip about me saying I worship the devil which is not true, i never use to get the support i needed from my parents My dad use to abuse me and he stole from me when I was a child till this day everyday when I come home from college I have to check if my laptop is still under my bed, my mom doesn't even want me to complete my hospitality training and believes I'm lying about it, I went to a church in my area and the pastor didn't even give me a chance to explain myself, and laughed at me after I explain to him what I'm going through and didn't even pray for me and when I left, he just said "have a good day", the situation is even more deep then this, at times I hear voices, I don't know what is happening to me, everything I touch seems to breaks relationships always end In misery I lost all my friends and I lost my job I got fired for no reason last year 2019 in February and still couldnt get a decent job, when I went for training, I could hardly concentrate because of how everything and all of this effecting me, this is why I want to run away home and feel like commuting suicide where no one can see me.

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Arden2 Hey, thank you for sharing with us as we know how difficult this can be. Firstly, let me reassure you that we hear you and we believe you. You didn't deserve to be treated this way by anyone and none of this is your fault. You deserve to get help and support in order to move forward and we want you to know that you are not alone.


We are going to email you separately but meanwhile, are you currently safe? Do you have plans to take your life? It is okay to feel like this but remember that feelings can change and this feeling may pass.


We support here Monday - Friday, 9am - 5.30pm (BST) and this link will give you a list of all crisis lines worldwide: https://www.befrienders.org where there are people available 24/7 to listen.


You can also call your doctor or go to any hospital accident and emergency department and ask for help.


You can also download this app and complete a safety plan to work on keeping for safe for now.


Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, you matter and you deserve help to get through this.



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