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Why am I like this? I feel helpless

Lauren or Tom    

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Why do I feel like running away from home even tho I have no problems at home? I feel so depressed at times and helpless.

I do have people to talk to I just hate piling my problems on top of people when its obvious that those people are already having shitty days.

I feel like crying writing this and giving up on life but I'm so scared to go down that path again cause I've already gone down it and it sucked.

I think I might have depression and I've talked to my mum about talking to someone but she thinks that I don't have depression.

I feel like I've messed up friendships and I don't know how to fix them because I'm scared of people.


Why am I like this?


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hi there @Lauren or Tom

I'm sorry you're feeling like this.

Considering you feel like running away, instead of doing that, maybe take walks? Just around the block, or to the local park; even go for a quick run/jog. Exercise can really help, and it might help fill that need to run away, without actually running away.

Also, you said that you felt like crying while typing this? just cry. It's good to cry, it's healthy to cry. Keeping it inside doesn't always make you feel any better. Crying releases the pressure that's building up.

I'm no professional, so I can't say you do or don't have depression. Have you got a GP/doctor you're registered to? It'd be good to seek professional advice. Have you told your dad to see what he thinks? I mean, depending on how old you are, might be able to visit the GP/doctors without parents.


I hope this helps in some way! :)

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Lauren or Tom hey, our mental health and well-being isn't fixed so it's normal for it to change and fluctuate - there isn't always a firm answer for why we feel a certain way at a certain time.


I would definitely agree that speaking to your dad is a good idea and also with the doctor, their perspective will be really helpful as although they do care about you, there is that vital external, professional viewpoint.


I know it can be hard, but try and open up to your friends as they won't view you as a burden and will most likely want to help. If the situation were reversed, you would want to help them right? You are worth that input and time.


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@Marv I would've cried if I wasn't at school. I hate people seeing me cry, I think it makes me look vulnerable. Which is also why I don't want to go to my dad. I don't really go to my dad with my problems and I've fallen into the habit of saying I'm ok when I'm not.

When I was in my dark stage years ago, my mum knew that I was stuck and how miserable I was at school. She removed me from school and she homeschooled me for a year.

I often get flashbacks to when I was bullied and friends lying and starting rumors about me. That is the main thing that holds me back from trying to get better which leads me to bottling up my emotions.

I was wondering how accurate those online depression tests are?


@Blondie I'd love to go to someone to talk about my problems but since I don't have that confidence to talk to my parents for help. I've done it before but I just felt guilty after and nothing happened.

I also have a couple of awesome friends but one doesn't understand about issues and then other has moods where they could be positive or negative so I adviod her with my problems even tho I have talked to her about other things like my asexuality and stuff. It's also hard to expresse myself because normally I'm all bubbly around my friends and family but on the inside I'm dying to talk to someone.

I just feel stuck and going in a cycle. I also go through moments where I'm actually happy and then I fall sad.

I've also felt myself lose interest in things that used make me so happy now it feels like an effot.


Thanks guys,


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  • Ditch the Label Staff

@Lauren or Tom could you ask the friend that doesn't understand to work with you so you find out together? It could be that they are worried they 'won't know enough' but if you do it together it might mitigate that.


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@Marv I would've cried if I wasn't at school. I hate people seeing me cry, I think it makes me look vulnerable. Which is also why I don't want to go to my dad. I don't really go to my dad with my problems and I've fallen into the habit of saying I'm ok when I'm not.

When I was in my dark stage years ago, my mum knew that I was stuck and how miserable I was at school. She removed me from school and she homeschooled me for a year.

I often get flashbacks to when I was bullied and friends lying and starting rumors about me. That is the main thing that holds me back from trying to get better which leads me to bottling up my emotions.

I was wondering how accurate those online depression tests are?


@Blondie I'd love to go to someone to talk about my problems but since I don't have that confidence to talk to my parents for help. I've done it before but I just felt guilty after and nothing happened.

I also have a couple of awesome friends but one doesn't understand about issues and then other has moods where they could be positive or negative so I adviod her with my problems even tho I have talked to her about other things like my asexuality and stuff. It's also hard to expresse myself because normally I'm all bubbly around my friends and family but on the inside I'm dying to talk to someone.

I just feel stuck and going in a cycle. I also go through moments where I'm actually happy and then I fall sad.

I've also felt myself lose interest in things that used make me so happy now it feels like an effot.


Thanks guys,


I'd never trust any online tests. They're never accurate, they don't know you, and they don't have a professional medical degree of any kind. Seeking medical help of some sort is the better route to take. I'd say the only online things that are a potentially good path to take/try, are online counselors who you can talk to.

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